Check Your Supplements!
Years of positive drug testing…know what is allowed – you can’t act surprised when it happens to you.
WADA-World Anti-Doping Agency- each year the list is updated
List contains:
- Prohibited at all times.
- Prohibited in competition.
- Prohibited by specific sports.
- Two Best Options for Supplement Safety :
- 3rd Party Testing- testing of 3 or more samples of different batches of product. Both have lists that you can search.
1.NSF Certified For Sport: Over 180 banned substances.
2.Informed Choice.
The Best Supplement You Won’t Find At GNC
- Real food
- Nutritious dient
- Carbohydrates
- Protein
- Water
Vitamin D
- Not an ergogenic aid, a daily necessity.
- Ergocalciferol (vitamin D2) and cholecalciferol (vitamin D3). D3= sun exposure/fish, D2=plant based- though there is a. Lichen based D3 that is vegan.
- D3 is more potent-look for this in a supplement.
All athletes, especially those in colder, cloudier, northern climates. Those who don’t want sun exposure, those who train indoors- get a blood test!
More of a steroid-hormone vs a vitamin-multiple functions, nerve conduction, strengthens immunity, bone health (needed for calcium absorption).
In the absence of sun exposure, 800-1000 IU per day. Upper limit: 4000IU/day (though this is controversial)
Live microorganisms. Feed the healthy bacteria in your GI, improve the intestinal microbia, supports a healthy immune system and digestive health.
Heavy training=suppressed immune system-research shows they can reduce the severity and occurrence of illness like URTI. New research on allergies.
All athletes, especially those at risk for over training, those prone to illness and those prone to GI problems
No performance benefit though
A very early field of nutrition that we don’t know a lot about still.
1 Billion CFU’s
Nutrition is very individualized.
What works for you is not always what works for everyone else.
Responders vs Nonresponders.
This is not medical advice and you want to check with your physician before starting/adding a supplement.
I’ll provide the dosages that the literature gives, use that as a guide.
I am not giving medical guidance.