Be Faster, Through Customized Testing and Analysis

At OutFront, we believe that performance testing and analysis are key to going faster. Your swim and run speed, in addition to injury prevention, rely on the right technique. We’ll analyze and identify areas that need improvement so that you can be the fastest possible.


Sweat testing is crucial for all long distance athletes. Without knowing your exact sodium and fluid loss, you’ll be guessing at how much to take in. 

Swim analysis

Swim faster

We will perform our swim analysis both in person and virtually.

An in-person swim analysis consists of taking video from several angles above and below the water, and then providing both a video analysis to view at home plus drills given right at the pool. A virtual analysis would require the same video angles, however a recorded analysis and drills will also be sent to the athlete.

Improve your technique and speed with a professional swim analysis, so that you can get out of the water faster and fresher, onto the bike with more power and speed, and run with less fatigue.


Improve your technique with our top-notch swim analysis to keep you moving through the water with ease.

run analysis

Run better

Improve your running economy, increase your speed, delay fatigue, and decrease chances of injury with our run video analysis.

A run video analysis will look at your running form, flexibility, risk of injury, and provide recommendations on how to improve your form through drills and exercises. Run analysis will be done primarily virtually. Though in the warmer months in NY, we are open to meeting an athlete at the track to grab footage. Virtual run analysis will consist of a movement screen, video footage that will be analyzed with feedback on changes, as well as drills and strength exercises to perform.

Start your run analysis today

Not only have we been providing expert swim analysis for over a decade, but we’re also certified in run gait analysis.

Ready to get started? Contact us today to schedule your video analysis!

Sweat Test

The key to going faster.

Do you know how much sodium you lose? And the negative consequences of sodium loss? Every athlete’s hydration needs are different.


From different levels of hydration, to different compositions of sweat. Do you know exactly how many electrolytes you need when you’re training and racing?


You have a unique sweat composition and the only way to determine your exact needs is to perform a sweat test. How does the test work? We’ll have you train with our patches on for 60 minutes, and then we’ll use our sodium analyzer to determine your exact needs. That way, you have a precise hydration plan.


Don’t just guess on how much you should be drinking, and at what sodium levels. Figure out your exact needs today.

Ready to sweat? Let’s connect!